Monday, August 3, 2009

Still to pack

If I don't make a list, it doesn't get done. I still need to pack:
  1. Items in sewing cabinet.
  2. Stray items in office.
  3. Computer! (wait until last minute)
  4. Seal up boxes in office closet.
  5. Top cupboard in hallway.
  6. Fabric in hall closet.
  7. Take apart the swingset.
  8. LLL stuff.
  9. Stray items from bedroom.
  10. Put clothes Bob and I need this week into big blue suitcase.
  11. Put clothes girls need this week into little pink suitcase.
  12. Items from top of Addy's dresser.
  13. Jewelry boxes.
  14. Outgrown clothes in basement.
  15. Clothes near washer/dryer.
  16. Cleaning supplies on basement shelves.
  17. Items above kitchen pantry.
  18. Cookbooks.
  19. Food from pantry. (Continue to eat up what's in fridge and freezer.)
  20. Last year's school books.
  21. Miscellany from basement.
  22. Clothespins and other laundry items.

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