Friday, October 10, 2008

Swatches of the old house

I photographed all the old wallpaper I could find, some of it under a number of layers of paint, paneling or paper. It's a little sad to pull it off because I know it was carefully selected at the time, and many of the choices are very beautiful. This is our way of preserving it.

I'll always remember the blue diamonds of Grandma's kitchen. What rooms do you remember?

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Anonymous said...

Bob and Sue,
I'm so excited for you guys. I love that you took pictures of the carpet, tile, and wallpapers. I've done the same of my grandma's house. The old boarders are so pretty. Do you plan to redecorate it in the old style colors and patterns? Please tell me you're going to reuse the kitchen cabinets....They are perfect!

Sue said...

We're doing paint only for now, so we won't be replicating the original wallpaper. It is so gorgeous though! Even the flooring was the most beautiful prints. I tried to keep one linoleum piece, but it cracked and fell to dust in my hands.

We are keeping the cabinets though. Aren't they beautiful?

dj said...

I can remember so many of the wall patterns and especially the patterns on the floor. Grandma always liked the flowers and frills. I'm so thankful you are keeping the cabinets. Im afraid if you were taking them out. I'd have to come to kitchen and pick them up. I have always loved those cabinets. One time we (Larry, Morris, Myself and Im not sure who else) had a water fight in that kitchen. Not an ordinary water fight, we used

Sue said...

Wow, I wonder what Grandma thought about the water fight! :)