We went to a program at the nature center and got the bat-brained idea that a couple bat houses might help. Each bat supposedly can can eat 7,000 insects a night. Each bat house can hold up to 100 of the critters — assuming the average 60- to 80-percent occupancy rate has them choosing our dwellings.
Of course we need to get the few bats that live in the attic out of there first.
Bats in yard=good. Bats in house=bad.
Apparently the process is not called "getting those damn things out of the attic." It's called bat exclusion. I guess the difference is whether you beat them to death with a broom or take the time to install mesh, wait for them to leave and plug the holes.
We're going to give it a try, so a couple of these houses are on the way.
You are officially crazy.
my parents actually had success with these several years ago when they moved into a log cabin. The bat houses actually invited some to take up residence. I do not remember being eaten alive while visiting them either............hmmm...food for thought.
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